True well-being is achieved by living in alignment with our true nature 

Well-being is essential for expressing our highest potential and sustaining performance

Everything and everyone is interconnected: my well-being impacts yours

We are the system: we all contribute to results that nobody wants

We have the power to change the system by changing ourselves


We support transformational change at the individual, team, and organizational levels to improve well-being and performance.

We partner with leaders to improve the well-being of their teamsand co-create a culture of well-being where all can thrive together.

Making wellness your default way of operating.

Making well-being your operational mode, your corporate DNA, your competitive advantage.

We achieve this WITH YOU by accompanying the evolution of the organization and its teams.

One HABIT, one CONVERSATION at the time

Certified wellness coach and Organizational Change Consultant

I believe that well-being is a dynamic process, not a destination: it is by taking care of one's entire being, body, mind, heart and soul that a human being can thrive.

Well-being remains my focus, because it is not only the most important objective in my approach, but also the means to achieve it.

Through the three pillars of vitality, awareness and boldness, I invite you to create more joy in your life by gaining energy, clarity and courage.

How I support you

In the face of adversity, I move forward. I am gentle and strong at the same time, like the sea that I admire so much. Through these qualities, I guide you towards a greater connection with yourself, with others and with nature. This union is essential to gain more energy and clarity and thus develop the courage to create a better world.

In my coaching and support, I first listen to what is. Through my presence, active listening and great empathy, I offer a service that is both sensitive and meaningful. My strong intuition and my ability to make connections allow me to better guide you towards the right solution to facilitate your well-being.

I facilitate change

I take care of you, actors of change, so that you realize and live well the personal and organizational changes.

I guide you through moments of confusion, doubt and evolution. I facilitate awareness and inspired action while promoting autonomy of decision and action.

By becoming your trusted partner, I help you clarify and stay focused on your vision. I create spaces for you to step back and reflect without feeling judged. My desire is to accompany you on your journey to release your blockages and achieve your goals.

Through counsulting, coaching and training, we work together on all that hinders and prevents energy and creativity from flowing freely, to gain power, clarity and boldness. You will then be able to express your full potential, explore your possibilities and co-create positive changes for yourself and others.


The ingredients for

creating a joyful and abundant life

and and caring, creative and resilient organizations.

It starts with you!

One step at the time.


Feeling alive is experiencing vitality and connection. It is allowing life energy to flow through us and light-up the four pillars of human well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is having the spark and a deep desire to live, grow and contribute guided by a sense of purpose and meaning. Being alive is to be present, in our body, and feeling deeply. 

"We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it’s all about." J.Campbell


Being aware is noticing what is going on around us and paying attention to how we feel and what our body needs. By opening up our mind and heart to our experience, we become more aware of our true self, truly see and appreciate others, and gain clarity on what really matters. Being aware is developing a deep knowing that everything is connected and that we have the potential to manifest the life we truly want.

" Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego.” E. Tolle


To dare is to take the leadership of your life, have the courage to be yourself and do the hard things, and get outside your comfort zone so you can grow and create positive change. Daring is about our willingness to try new things, take the road less traveled, experiment and create, and face our fears in order to pursue our dreams.

"Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need. To talk about how you are feeling. To have the hard conversations."
 B. Brown


Prioritizing our connection to our heart, others and nature.


Acting in alignment with our values, sharing our unique voice.


Listening and exploring new ways of doing and being with an open mind.


Adapting solutions to specific and changing needs and situations.


Believing in our power to change and care for ourselves and helping others rise up.