You want to avoid burnout and regain your vitality, serenity and enthusiasm?

Yes, that's what I want!

Hi! My name is Chantal


I'm here to help you rise in vitality, awareness and boldness so that you can express your potential, explore your possibilities and create positive change in your life and the lives of others.


Light up your inner fire, listen to your heart and DARE to create a life full of vitality, serenity, enthusiasm and joy of living every day!



You don’t have enough time and energy for those and what you love?

You are just living to work and meet everyone’s needs, not having control over your days?

Under constant pressure at work?

You have trouble sleeping, digesting or chronique pain?

It has become difficult for you to focus, relax and truly enjoy life?

Are you more anxious, confused, unmotivated at work or lacking confidence in areas where you used to thrive?


Having more energy and being more present with your loved ones?

Feeling more connected, aligned and balanced in your life?

Caring for yourself and honoring your needs without feeling guilty?

Experiencing more INNER PEACE, FLOW and JOY during the day?

Regaining your vitality, your serenity and your enthusiasm

If this is you, letā€™s chat!



to feel calmer, lighter, happier and live fully


to find meaning, gain clarity and move forward with confidence in the face of uncertainty


to dare to think outside the box and pursue your dreams

"Les séances sont adaptées, toujours stimulantes, avec un échange qui permet d’établir un objectif clair et des outils pour y arriver. Chantal suggère des pistes de solution et c’est à moi de voir ce qui s’adapte le mieux à ma situation. La résultante après 6 séances est surprenante ! J’avais des outils supplémentaires afin de prendre en charge ma gestion du stress au travail. J’avais plus d’énergie pendant mes journées. Cela me permettait d’être plus concentré au travail, d’avoir de l’énergie pour ma vie familiale et faire mes activités sportives."

(Expert en sinistres)


About 10 years ago, I wasn't happy in my relationship and I didn't like my job, my city, the apartment I lived in.

I felt trapped, with too much to do, not enough time for myself. I found myself out of shape, constantly feeling tense and irritable. I felt I had lost myself along the way. 

One day, after my divorce, sitting by the river in contemplation, I became aware I was entirely accountable for my choices and I had the power to choose a different path. It felt empowering and scary at the same time!

But my life only began to improve when I decided to go running regularly with colleagues.  I started having more energy and feeling better. I had more focus at work and more patience with my son. My sleep improved and I wanted to eat healthier.

I reconnected with myself and saw everything with a new perspective. I got a promotion to a more fulfilling role. My finances were improving along with my health. I felt alive, increasingly aware of my needs and deep desires, and daring to go after my dreams.

One tiny change and decision at the time, I started doing things differently and consistently which brought me positive results and motivation to keep going. Overtime, my habits helped me balance work and single motherhood, increase my energy levels, and feel more engaged at work.

I regained my joy of living!

And I felt compelled to help you also feel better.


I know how difficult it is to juggle work expectations, family demands, and your own personal needs. I struggled with this challenge for a long time too.

You feel like there is too much to do, not enough time. Maybe you are thinking 'There must be another way?' or you can't wait for that vacation to take a deep breath.

You feel overwhelmed at times and lacking control of your agenda, your life. You have probably neglected your own needs and deep desires to serve your family, work and community. Or, you feel exhausted, not enjoying life's magic as much. Maybe you don't feel good about your body and yourself. Maybe you have lost your passion and sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.

You want to live fully, not just survive.

And this, without having to withdraw from the world.


You know what you should be doing to be healthier, but you haven't been able to consistently fit these recommendations into your busy days. You've tried changing your diet, exercising regularly and getting more sleep. Perhaps you're already doing what you know is healthy, but you still lack the vitality, serenity and enthusiasm to perform at your best at work, do activities you love and pursue your goals.

As a wellness coach, I can help you make lasting changes to your life and work habits to improve your well-being and performance. Habits adapted to YOUR needs and YOUR reality.


I sincerely believe that it is possible to transform ourselves and improve our lives. But it's much easier and faster when you're accompanied.

As a wellness coach, I can help you break out of habits that have become limiting and identify where to focus your efforts to achieve your life vision. Together, we explore what works for you and what holds you back. You will integrate healthy and sustainable habits into your daily life so that you can live more joyfully and fluidly and thus flourish.

I coach you by asking relevant questions, offering different perspectives and reframing what you share so that you gain clarity and motivation. I support you in your commitment to take action to move forward, and guide you to make simple, yet healthy and effective lifestyle changes.

You will regain your vitality and boldness by creating a system that will help you perform better (without working more!) and have more drive for the things that matter to you. You will find balance in your life by finding balance in your head, body and heart.

I'd like to know more

"Since I started my wellness coaching sessions with Chantal, it helped me stop putting barriers to myself. Chantal has helped me find out how I wanted to see myself in a year from now and in 10 years, regarding my physical and mental health. I was able to see that I have all the strength and the power to do whatever I wanted to do. I just need to find the right reason that will motivate me to do so. I now have more energy and I have been training on a regular basis since we've work together."



Have a successful career while staying healthy and thriving in your personal life.

Regain your sense of curiosity, wonder and passion for what you do and for life in general.

Feel empowered by challenges and have the energy to do what matters to you, your team, and your family

Feel more alive, aware and daring!



Master your energy and stress and unleash your inner power!

Receive personalized support to create sustainable lifestyle changes that will improve your health and well-being in order to elevate your vitality, awareness and boldness and reconnect to your daily joy of living.

I want more energy and joy!


Regain your vitality, serenity and enthusiasm in the face of change

For managers and change agents who feel tired, overwhelmed and discouraged and want to avoid burnout. Participate in this comprehensive coaching program with others like you who are seeking true transformation.

Coming up soon!


Practical tips to improve your well-being, increase your energy and develop your physical, mental and emotional resilience

The concepts and tools taught are based on science and practical experience. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences and ask questions so that you leave inspired and ready to take action to improve your life, one habit at a time.

Next date: coming soon!

"Chantal is an amazing coach. She has an incredible ability to listen and I really felt heard and acknowledged. From the first session, you realize her commitment to your health, wellness, and fitness goals. Chantal also has an amazing way of not pressuring and yet getting the results. During our sessions, we explored different approaches to meet my goals. Her guidance allowed me to discover solutions by myself, own them, and find the passion to get things done. The results have led me toward greater possibilities. Thank you, Chantal, for all your advice and help in clearing the way for a more fulfilling and healthier life!"

(Project Management Trainer and Consultant, now retired)