A strong mind in a strong body

May 22, 2023

During my run yesterday, I had an insight (as it often happens during my runs!).

Doing fast run intervals is always physically hard.  But yesterday, I felt mentally strong doing them. 

It's been a few weeks since I resumed doing speed training once a week. 

Before that, I've been more complacent, doing just medium level intensity runs. 

I got comfortable in that zone.

Running fast enough for a good sweat, but never to the point of finding it difficult and challenging to do.

By pushing myself outside my physical comfort zone, I realized that the fitter I become, the stronger I feel overall. I also feel more optimistic, confident and creative.

My mind is getting stronger alongside my body. 

The mind and the body are connected: strengthen one and the other benefit 

We can all benefit from being more mentally strong, fit and resilient to face today's challenges and demands.

But our minds are too tired and overloaded to be challenged in a way that increases our mental health, fitness and resilience. 

For many of us, strengthening the body may the best way to train our mind to thrive in an environment of constant change, disruption and uncertainty.

When you practice doing something difficult like lifting heavy weights, running fast or dipping in cold water, you train your mind to go past the initial resistance. 

You learn to go past the initial discomfort of getting into motion and out of your comfort zone.

You also develop your ability to stay with the discomfort without letting your survival brain convince you to stop.

And these skills are not specific: practice doing it with physical training and you will soon find yourself applying it to other types of challenges at work and in your life. 

You become better at embracing discomfort to do what is important.

A journey back to a fulfilling life

A few years ago, I found the energy, clarity and courage to change my life by first training my body and pushing its limits.

Doing so, I discovered I was more capable than I had imagined and had the capacity to adapt to any challenges.

I have also seen others go through the same process.

They got their physical health and fitness back first.

They challenged their physical limits by participating in races or other sports events.

They achieved things they thought were beyond their capacity.

They started having more discipline and develop healthier lifestyle habits.

They upgraded their personal lives, started making more courageous decisions and actions, and thrived in their professional lives.

We develop a strong, fit and resilient mind by training our body to become strong, fit and resilient.

A healthy brain in a healthy body

Scientifics have demonstrated that as we do weightbearing exercises, we send a signal to our brain that we are alive and need to remain strong and fit.

As a result, brain cells are regenerated and our capacity to learn and adapt by creating new neuronal pathways (neurogenesis) is maintain.

When we move, all of our cells get the message that we are alive and are encouraged to thrive to do their part. It fosters health and longevity.

When we push ourself physically, our body also releases a cocktail of neurotransmitters (dopamine, noradrenaline, endorphin) that boost our energy, motivation, courage and capacity to endure discomfort.

And this effect is not specific: it transfers to anything we are called to do next whether it is demanding mentally or emotionally.

On top of this, as we push ourselves physically, we learn to control our stress response. When the body is challenged, stress hormones are released and our survival brain kicks in.

This is an opportunity for us to practice self-regulation to remain mentally calm when the body is under stress. 

Again, that ability to self-regulate is not specific: once you master it, you can self-regulate in other stressful situations.

And there are many more benefits to physical activity.

So what are you waiting for?

Start pushing your body to its limits to become stronger, fitter and more resilient.

The stronger, fitter and more resilient you become physically, the stronger, fitter and more resilient your mind will be.

If you would like some support and guidance on your journey back to your natural strength, fitness and wellbeing, book a call with me.

Take the first difficult and courageous step towards feeling more alive, aware and daring!