How to Act in Alignment with Your Nature

Feb 06, 2022
Originally published on October 16, 2020

By reconnecting to our true nature, we will reconnect with nature and act in alignment with it. If we can all wake up and have the courage to act in alignment with our true self, we would live in harmony with nature and one another.

I recently watched the documentary A Life on Our Planet. It reminded me that our planet does not need to be saved. Our planet will find a way to regain balance and life will continue to exist even if we, humans, disappear. In fact, nature would thrive again if we would stop interfering. So, the title of my first blog should have been "Coaching people to save humanity".

What needs saving is our living space so that we can not only continue to survive but thrive. This living space is not contained within the walls we put up to protect ourselves from the elements (and from others). This living space includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat to live. Our survival depends on their availability and quality as well as the diversity of fauna and flora that keeps our environment in balance.

As Dr Gervais said in his recent Rich Roll Podcast’s interview, "we are nature". By reconnecting to our true nature, we will reconnect with nature and act in alignment with it.

That is the big goal behind Alive, Aware and Daring: helping people feel at their best so that their actions align with nature and our communities can thrive. My goal is overly ambitious, I know. I don't pretend I, alone, can save humanity. This goal is already overwhelming for all us as a collective! But I believe we all have a unique contribution to make. And if we can all wake up to it and have the courage to act in alignment with our true self, we would live in harmony with nature and one another. My calling is to help people reconnect with their wild and courageous nature, light-up their internal fire, and dare to get outside their comfort and familiar zone.

Within each of us, lies our untap potential and innate power to take the lead of our lives and create what we envision. My role as a coach is to not to tell you what to do and what is good for you. Rather, I will help you find ways to care for your body, mind, heart and soul that work for you. I will also help you uncover your values and gifts, look at your challenges from different perspectives, and empower you to make different choices and transform your life.

Where should you start to reconnect with yourself and act in alignment with your true nature?

Slow down and ground yourself

First, you need to slow down to feel, notice, and sense what is going on inside and around you. We are more than our thoughts. Pause to pay attention to what your body and heart are telling you. Also, observe your thoughts for what they are, just thoughts. They are no you. Deep slow breathing and a walk in nature can help you slow down, get grounded (feeling in your body) and reconnect with yourself (not with that racing mind!).

Create space to explore

We need to create a space, a pause between our senses and our response if we want to decide how we want to act instead of merely reacting. Ask yourself, "Does what is happening and what I do resonate with me?" By that I mean, does it create a good sensation in your body or is your body being uncomfortable with that decision, action, or behavior? Our emotions are data or information, not directives (Susan David, Emotional Agility). Adopt an attitude of curiosity and compassion for what you are experiencing. Meditation and journaling are good practices to help you develop the ability to create that space and explore your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Being clear on your values will also help you identify what resonates with your true self.

Ask "so what?"

So, once you have slowed down and create that space, take a moment to ask, "so what?". Adopt an attitude of inquiry and look for a deeper meaning to what is happening. Notice what is wanting to emerge. With Covid19, many of us are anxious, stressed, tired, stretched to our limits. This impacts our capability to make deliberate and thought-through decisions and actions. We are all so focused on the immediate threat, the economy, our jobs, etc. We don't take the time, create space to step back and see the bigger picture, explore alternative ways, and ask "so what" enough times to go at the root of our fears, discomfort, doubts and worries to identify what values or needs aren’t beeing met and require our attention. By tuning in, you will also see new possibilities wanting to come to existence and hear what you are called to do in this moment.

Take a step forward

After doing these three first steps, you will gain some clarity. Maybe some ideas or inspiration will surface. Don't hesitate! Take one small step forward now. Don’t wait for your brain to start bringing up all sorts of excuses for not doing it. Not sure what to do? Move forward with your body. It will help you feel good and boost your creative brain. If you have a clear vision but it feels overwhelming, just take the next small step that feels in alignment with your vision. If your step forward is inspired by this insight you just gained, you will move towards that goal and start making a difference. You will also feel energized and motivated to keep moving forward despite challenges and uncertainty. More on that in future posts!